I have a strong interest in working with composers. Several new compositions are currently being/have been written for and premiered by me.
A. Crespo Barba (*1995): Waves (For Juho Myllylä) (2023) for bass(et) recorder, sine waves and sawtooth waves
Premiere: Nieuwe Noten / New Notes @ Grachtenfestival, De Duif, Amsterdam, 14 August 2023
Hildur Elísa Jónsdóttir (*1993): her immeasurable soul (2023) for Paetzold subgreatbass and soprano recorders
Premiere: Nieuwe Noten / New Notes @ Grachtenfestival, De Duif, Amsterdam, 14 August 2023
Raivis Misjuns (*1993): Herder’s Herd (2023) for alto recorder and electronics (tape)
Premiere: Nieuwe Noten / New Notes @ Grachtenfestival, De Duif, Amsterdam, 14 August 2023
Ernst Spyckerelle (*1991): Marsyas (2023) for sopranino recorder and electronics (tape)
Premiere: Nieuwe Noten / New Notes @ Grachtenfestival, De Duif, Amsterdam, 14 August 2023
Wilma Pistorius (*1991): Play/Space (2023) for blockflutes and panflutes with audience participation
Premiere: Mariana Preda, panflutes & Juho Myllylä, blockflutes @ Muziekmatinee, Huis de Pinto, Amsterdam, 19 March 2023
Apollonio Maiello (*1994): typing… (2022), an opera in one act for soprano, blockflutes, electric guitar, violin, viola, piano and electronics
Libretto by Janina Picard
Premiere: Katherine Weber, soprano | Hessel Moeselaar, viola | Francisco Martí Hernández, piano | Juho Myllylä, blockflutes/electric guitar & Apollonio Maiello, electronics @ An Evening of Today, Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, Amsterdam, 3 March 2022
Short film directed by Apollonio Maiello and Leonard Rillig
John Franek (*1996): Wavelengths (2021) for blockflutes, panflutes and live electronics
A cycle in in 9 movements (featuring Backscatter)
Premiere: Mariana Preda, panflutes & Juho Myllylä, blockflutes/electronics on the 2022 album Wavelengths (Donemus/Composers Voice DCV 404)
Apollonio Maiello (*1994): what you are, i once was, what i am, you will become (2021) for blockflutes, electric guitar, viola da gamba, harpsichord and piano
Premiere: Ugly Pug (Juho Myllylä, Clémence Schiltz, Wesley Shen & Apollonio Maiello) @ Prix Annelie de Man, Orgelpark, Amsterdam, 5 December 2021
Boris Bezemer (*1992): November Music (2021) for blockflutes, double bass and electronics
Premiere: James Oesi, double bass | Juho Myllylä, blockflutes & Boris Bezemer, electronics @ November Music, Jazzwerkplaats Den Bosch, 7 November 2021
John Franek (*1996): Backscatter (2021) for blockflutes, panflutes and live electronics
Premiere: Mariana Preda, panflutes & Juho Myllylä, blockflutes/electronics @ Museum ‘t Kromhout, Amsterdam, 28 August 2021
Apollonio Maiello (*1994): »so wil ich es gethan haben« – opening (2021) for blockflutes, viola and pedal bass
Premiere: Hessel Moeselaar, viola/electronics & Juho Myllylä, blockflutes/electronics @ Museum ‘t Kromhout, Amsterdam, 14 August 2021
Aspasia Nasopoulou (*1972): Dans voor Orpheus van Amsterdam (2021) for renaissance recorder quartet
Premiere: Members of The Royal Wind Music (Anna Stegmann, Irene Sorozábal, Marco Magalhães & Juho Myllylä) @ NTR Podium/NPO Radio 4, 28 May 2021
Jan Marten de Vries (*1958): Tot jij het hoort (2021) for blockflutes, on a poem with the same title
Premiere: Juho Myllylä, blockflutes & Jan Marten de Vries, recitation @ Willem de Zwijgerkerk, 23 May 2021
Boris Bezemer (*1992): Figaro (solo): Bring me a Storm (2020), online opera for a solo performer, blockflutes, flutes, clarinets, trumpet, tuba, banjo, pedal steel guitar, mandolin, harpsichord, violin, viola, viola da gamba, double bass and percussion
Premiere @ OFFspring (Online), Dutch National Opera, 29 November 2020
Andrea Guterres (*1991): Through the Looking Glass (2020) for soprano, blockflutes, harpsichord, electronics and multimedia (audiovisual work with binaural sound spatialization)
Premiere: Viola Blache, soprano | Juho Myllylä, blockflutes | Sebastien Mitra, harpsichord | Pablo Réol & Octave Rimbert, video @ Composers’ Festival 2020 (Online), 28 May 2020
Simon Kaplan (*1993): Anamorphosis (2019) for early-instrument trio (blockflute, viola da gamba and harpsichord)
Wilma Pistorius (*1991): Crossroads (2019) for blockflutes, viola da gamba, harpsichord and electric guitar
Premiere: Ugly Pug (Juho Myllylä, Miron Andres & Ere Lievonen) @ Museum ‘t Kromhout, Amsterdam, 7 August 2021 & on the 2021 album Crossroads (Olive Music/Etcetera Records)
Filip Przybyło (2000): Ameba (2019) for piano and ensemble (2 blockflutes, bass clarinet, violin, violoncello, double bass, 4 percussionists)
Premiere: Score Collective, directed by Andreas Hansson @ Conservatorium van Amsterdam/Bernard Haitinkzaal, 4 December 2019
Jelle Verstraten (*1988): De Zangklok (The Dawn’s Chorus) (2019) for recorder consort in 466Hz, large recorder ensemble in 440Hz and live electronics
Premiere: The Royal Wind Music @ Friedenskirche, Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci, 10 June 2019
Jaume Darbra Fa (*1993): No Real Flutes (2019) for Paetzold subgreatbass blockflute, contrabass panflute and live electronics
Premiere: Juho Myllylä, blockflute, electronics & Mariana Preda, panflute @ Conservatorium van Amsterdam/Sweelinckzaal, 11 April 2019
Andrea Guterres (*1991): Faust’s Lullaby (2019) for blockflutes and live electronics
Premiere: Juho Myllylä, blockflutes & Andrea Guterres, live electronics @ Corridor Project Space, Amsterdam, 24 February 2019
Andrea Guterres (*1991): There Is Beauty In Ugliness (Gesualdo’s Retribution) (2018) for low recorder quartet (rev. 2019 for recorder quartet with marimba)
Premiere: Juho Myllylä, Emily Bannister, Daniel Scott & David Hanke, blockflutes @ Conservatorium van Amsterdam/Theaterzaal, 31 January 2019
Kevin Hanlon (*1953): Golven van Wind (2018) for recorder ensemble
Premiere: Juho Myllylä, Francesca Clements, Dodó Kis, Verena Barie, Ben Rose, Emily Bannister, Daniel Scott, Margarida Yokochi & Beatriz Lerer Ferreira, blockflutes @ Conservatorium van Amsterdam/Bernard Haitinkzaal, 29 May 2018
Olli Moilanen (*1987): This Way (2017) for tenor blockflute and guitar
Premiere: Juho Myllylä, blockflute & Antero Pellikka, guitar @ Music Centre/Camerata, Helsinki, 14 November 2017
Paul Leenhouts (*1957): Kra Watt K19 for for recorder quartet in A=440,
recorder double quintet in A=460 & interactive audience
Premiere: The Royal Wind Music @ Conservatorium van Amsterdam/Bernard Haitinkzaal, Open Recorder Days, 29 October 2017
Carlo Diaz (*1994): Reuse Music (2017) for blockflutes, viola da gamba and harpsichord
Premiere: Ugly Pug (Juho Myllylä, Miron Andres & André Lourenço) @ Tampering Festival, Tampere Conservatory/Pyynikkisali, 25 August 2017
Jami Kianto (*1991): The Playthrough (2017) for blockflutes, viola da gamba, harpsichord and live electronics
Premiere: Ugly Pug (Juho Myllylä, Miron Andres & André Lourenço) @ Tampering Festival, Tampere Conservatory/Pyynikkisali, 25 August 2017
Timo Kittilä (*1984): Odds and Ends (2017)for blockflute, viola da gamba and harpsichord
Premiere: Ugly Pug (Juho Myllylä, Miron Andres & André Lourenço) @ Tampering Festival, Tampere Conservatory/Pyynikkisali, 25 August 2017
Tero Lanu (*1975): Introduction and Dance (2017) for blockflutes, viola da gamba and harpsichord
Premiere: Ugly Pug (Juho Myllylä, Miron Andres & André Lourenço) @ Tampering Festival, Tampere Conservatory/Pyynikkisali, 25 August 2017
Eetu Lehtonen (*1989): Wormhole (2017) for blockflutes, viola da gamba, harpsichord and live electronics
Premiere: Ugly Pug (Juho Myllylä, Miron Andres & André Lourenço) @ Tampering Festival, Tampere Conservatory/Pyynikkisali, 25 August 2017
Olli Moilanen (*1987): Trio+1 (2017) for blockflutes, viola da gamba, harpsichord, live electronics and multimedia
Video installation by Hanna Råst
Premiere: Ugly Pug (Juho Myllylä, Miron Andres & André Lourenço) @ Tampering Festival, Tampere Conservatory/Pyynikkisali, 25 August 2017
Danai Belosinof (*1993): BlaaaaaaaAAAAAaaAAa (2017) for two blockflutes and electronics
Premiere: Duo Northeast (Galit Zadok & Juho Myllylä) @ De Ruimte, Amsterdam, 14 May 2017
Marcelo Chacur Politano (*1989): Gingas no3 – Canto de Xangô (2017) for two blockflutes
Premiere: Duo Northeast (Galit Zadok & Juho Myllylä) @ De Ruimte, Amsterdam, 14 May 2017
Boris Bezemer (*1992): Verbena (2017), a short opera for soprano, bariton, bass, choir, blockflutes, vielle, viola, harp, double bass, percussion and electronics
Premiere @ Opera Forward Festival, Dutch National Opera, 24 March 2017
Adam Łukawski (*1997): Speech of Avenice (2016) for voice, blockflutes, live electronics, tape and lights
Premiere: Elisabeth Hetherington, voice | Juho Myllylä, blockflutes | Dennis Matos, live electronics | Adam Łukawski, lights @ Gesti Festival, Splendor Amsterdam, 17 December 2016
Carlo Diaz (*1994): Plain (Wood) (2016) for blockflute
Premiere: Juho Myllylä, blockflute @ Gesti Festival, Splendor Amsterdam, 16 December 2016
Kevin Hanlon (*1953): Shuffle (2016) for pre-recorded music and live performer(s)
Premiere: Juho Myllylä & Francesca Clements, blockflutes | Jelle Verstraten, live electronics @ Amstelkerk, Amsterdam, 23 October 2016
Omri Abram (*1986): Kaleidoscope (2016) for two high recorders
Premiere: Duo Northeast (Galit Zadok & Juho Myllylä) @ Conservatorium van Amsterdam/Bernard Haitinkzaal, 31 May 2016
Besides, I’ve worked in close collaboration with composers on revisions of existing works such as:
Arjan Linker (*2000): Orange, Blue and Pink (2020/2023) for alto recorder and live electronics
Rita Hijmans (*1948): Een grijze morgen (2013 – rev. 2023) for tenor recorder
Rita Hijmans (*1948): Café pour deux (1994 – rev. 2023) for panflute and tenor recorder
Wilma Pistorius (*1991): Xi Què 鵲 (Magpie) (2020/2022) for great bass recorder
Jos Zwaanenburg (*1958): Off the Loop (2014/2020) for contrabass panflute, Paetzold contrabass recorder and live electronics
Ere Lievonen (*1972): 5 by 4 (2004/2019) for 3 recorders and harpsichord in extended meantone tuning (17 tones/octave)
Raphaël Languillat (*1989): pietà (black) (2017/2018) for bass recorder and accordion in a dark room
Christina Viola Oorebeek (*1944): Greca’s - Scattered Pattern (2011/2017) for blockflutes, viola da gamba and harpsichord
Giorgio Tedde (*1958): Contre-vent (1994/2015-16) for two blockflutes and live electronics
Henry Vega: Slow Slower (2010/2015-16) for blockflutes, viola da gamba, harpsichord and computer
Kevin Hanlon (*1953): Second Childhood (1978) for 2 blockflutes, key melodeon, balloons, 2 rulers, jack-in-the-box, orchestra bells, toy piano, piano, ukulele/electric guitar, 2 push toys and live electronics