Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci
Flute Day: Euterpe’s Flute Delights
The great flute concert on Flute Day
A unique renaissance recorder orchestra featuring sopranino dwarfs and contrabass giants: tracing intricate vocal webs yet blending them into seamless sonic images. The Royal Wind Music are very much on to the secret of the Muses as they explore renaissance master composers plus
a specifically developed piece by the Belgian composer Jelle Verstraten serving as a bridge to the present. Many flute students from Potsdam’s Johann Sebastian Bach Music School participate in the world premiere.
The Royal Wind Music
Petri Arvo, program & concept
Petri Arvo, program & concept
Music by Claudio Monteverdi, Orlando di Lasso, Johannes Eccard, Gilles Binchois, Adriaan Willaert & Jelle Verstraten (world premiere)